
Here’s How I Saved My Family’s Irreplaceable Memories From Disaster… In Under 5 Minutes!

Tech etc. is a collection of esteemed writers that specialize in reviewing noteworthy and viral tech, emerging in possibly the most innovative industry of all time.

This story comes to us from Christina P., who discovered a genius service that helped her effortlessly save thousands of precious family photos and videos from fading away. If your attic is filled with old albums and tapes, don’t miss Christina’s story!

Hidden away in our dusty attic, you'll find a treasure trove of every precious memory my family has ever enjoyed together. 😊

Of course, if you visit us, you would never know that…

These days everything is digital — nobody wants to flip through old photo albums or pull out the VHS!

So the best you'll get is a photo or video from the recent "social media era".

There's no hope for my childhood photos (taken in the 60s)… the old 8mm reels of my father when he was a marathon runner… my wedding day… since they’re not digital, I feared they would never see the light of day again. 😔

I was willing to accept this “attic purgatory”, though I was unhappy about it. But then…

A Heartbreaking Moment With Mom Convinced Me To Do Something About It 💔

Recently, my mother came to visit. She desperately wanted to see an old photo of my father, who passed away a few years ago…

So I spent hours searching for it…

But when I finally found it, the photo had faded away to the point of being unrecognizable.

My mother was heartbroken… and I was horrified. This was only one random example — which made me think: How many more of our irreplaceable memories have already deteriorated and faded away?

This woke me up, and I was determined to solve this once and for all.

My Journey to Preserve Our Family’s Memories 🚀

For this project, I had three goals:

  • To protect my memories from fading away any further
  • To be able to view any of my memories whenever I want, without stressing or searching for hours
  • To guarantee a sudden accident, such as a fire, would never wipe them all away.

I thought it would be incredibly difficult. But as I write this, I have every single photo and video from my attic — more than 1,000 of them! — right at my fingertips! 🙌

They're all easily accessible and safe forever in my own private cloud, where I can quickly pull them up on my phone.

And guess what? The whole process took me 5 minutes! I can't believe I put this off for so long… imagine how many more memories I could have saved!

How I Preserved 1,100+ Photos & Videos — In Less Than 5 Minutes 🎉

The first thing I did was research my options, and I quickly discovered that my best choice was to digitize everything.

By uploading these photos and videos to a digital format, they would be protected forever… easy to access at any time… and safe from an accident.

Of course, digitizing photos and videos yourself is no easy task. 😤

You have to own expensive equipment like a scanner and a video capture tool… you also need both the expertise and the calm focus to not destroy anything while you upload it…

And worst of all, you need to dig through all those boxes and do it all one by one. Without making mistakes.

I did some quick math and realized that it would take me MONTHS to do it myself…

So I went to the local copy shop and explained my problem. The clerk was extremely helpful — even though he didn’t end up taking the job.

Nope. This honest (maybe too honest) clerk said that it would be extremely expensive to upload all my photos at their shop. It would also take weeks, and they couldn’t even guarantee that my photos and videos would all come back to me safely!

Instead, he recommended a service called iMemories. Apparently, it’s been around for nearly 20 years… and at this point, it’s the go-to “digitization” choice even for professionals.

I looked it up and was blown away — I can’t believe this service has existed for so long without me knowing about it!

What Is iMemories? 📸

iMemories is a game-changing service based in Scottsdale, Arizona that converts old media formats, like VHS tapes, film reels, and photographs, into digital files that can be easily accessed, shared, and preserved.

The company handles all aspects of the digitization process, allowing customers to enjoy their memories without the hassle of doing it themselves.

Unlike mom-and-pop shops (or your eager, but perhaps naive grandson), iMemories is 100% focused on preserving precious memories. They’ve digitized more than 100 million photos and videos… without losing or damaging a single one! 😲

I decided to give it a try, so I started with a small batch of my least important photos. When they came back, I was absolutely floored by how impressive the quality was — iMemories actually touched up some old photos that had faded away, so they looked BETTER than before!

How Does iMemories Work? 🤔

iMemories made things SO easy for me — they really take care of everything, from start to finish!

When you're ready to digitize your memories, simply order a SafeShip Kit from their website. I was nervous about shipping my priceless memories via the mail, but they have a partnership with FedEx to guarantee delivery — and the box is crush-proof, water-proof, and shock-resistant.

It also comes with a prepaid shipping label and is designed to protect your precious memories during transport.

This Is The Best Part: You Don’t Need To Organize Anything! 🤩

With iMemories, you simply toss all your videos, photos, slides, negatives, or even full photo albums into the SafeShip Kit, then send it off.

There's no need to sort, label, or organize anything — iMemories does it all for you!

Once your memories arrive at iMemories, their team of preservation technicians begins the digitization process. Your old media gets converted into high-quality digital files, which are then uploaded to a secure, private cloud portal.

My favorite part is that you can access these files from any device, anywhere, ensuring your memories are always at your fingertips. 👍

When the process is complete, iMemories returns your original media for safekeeping, and you can enjoy your newly digitized memories.

iMemories Was Fast & Easy, And I’m SO Happy With The Result. If You Have Lots Of Priceless Memories, Don’t Put This Off! ⏱️

I feel so much better knowing that my most beloved memories are safe forever, and I’m grateful that iMemories exists… they made this overwhelming task so easy!

Not only do I get peace of mind, I also have a MUCH more interesting profile on social media now. I’ve been uploading photos and videos once a week, and my children are always so excited to see what I’ll post next on my “Throwback Thursday”. They’re learning so many things about me that they NEVER would have known if I left all those photos and videos to rot in the attic!

If you also have a ton of valuable memories stored away in your attic or basement, take it from me: This is the absolute best thing I can remember spending money on. iMemories is absolutely worth it — for the quality, the peace of mind knowing they won’t lose anything, and the FUN I get to have with those memories. Just don’t wait before it’s too late!

⭐ UPDATE: Get Your iMemories SafeShip Kit For 50% OFF! ⭐

Good news! iMemories is offering a special deal for our readers.

For a limited time, you can get 50% off your SafeShip Kit when you order directly from Mark and his team on their website. Don't miss out!

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